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  1. Quackster

    nice forum

  2. Quackster

    Habbo Home Stickers

    They're all in here: Link can be found @
  3. Quackster


    Welcome Liam! Thanks for joining. :)
  4. Quackster

    [REL] Havana ClassicHabbo edition - R39

    You wanna know a fun fact, I initially gutted out the flash support when releasing Havana because I didn't want to it to compete against my own hotel (which has now closed), but I suppose this was gonna happen regardless by the community to re-add the support back. I still have the Classic...
  5. Quackster

    Disabling RSA & RC4

    It's a void because you were probably looking at the base class/interface and not the class that is used for the dependency injection. And yeah it is pretty funny, when I've custom removed the hosts protection for example I'd just search for "domain" because that was an AS3 variable and thus...
  6. Quackster

    Disabling RSA & RC4

    Personally I would have made the encipher/decipher RC4 methods just return the argument that gets passed so it doesn't actually get enciphered and send back packets that the client would've liked regardless if encryption never actually gets used. Much like how V7 RC4 was bypassed back in the...
  7. Quackster

    How to properly edit the Habbo Shockwave client files (cst/dir)?

    All you need to do is use Projector Rays, move habbo.dir into the same directory as where the other .dcr and .cct files are, open Macromedia Director and enable Movie Restorer, and then you should open habbo.dir you should be good.
  8. Quackster

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    Oh the issue was that the collections for current rolling items was being shared between roller ticks (it was a field on the class inside of inside the OnTick() method) which caused this weird behaviour. 😅
  9. Quackster

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    Some updates: Currently recoding my emulator to support multiple characters per-user, which wasn't done in hindsight, so I can code support for this on the Helios Web system I am creating. Figured out I can just make the Send method run synchronously to eliminate some client-sided race...
  10. Quackster

    Habbo R39 Encryption don't receive session params packet

    I did have an issue where mine wouldn't always work for the Shockwave client, the issue was that the getBytes() for the shared key (that initialises the Cryptography class) BigInteger would occassionally put a 0 at the very start of the array, and the Shockwave client didn't have this zero - so...
  11. Quackster

    Qwek going goblin mode

    this is me btw, when ur being mean to me this is who ur being mean to
  12. Quackster

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    It's because I'm don't "await" on the WriteAndFlushAsync() method, I think.
  13. Quackster

    How to properly edit the Habbo Shockwave client files (cst/dir)?

    Oh when it comes to empty.cct, use this: Enable it when you open Director, and then you should be able to open any .dir file and it will load empty.cct fine.
  14. Quackster

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    I don't think you understand, I'll be rewriting the packet part of my server.
  15. Quackster

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    I meant client-side race conditions. For example, there was an issue where the rollers would inconsistently have an item zoom around for no reason whatsoever, even when the ticks are the same, and I realise that it's because the server doesn't wait until the packet is sent before it's written...
  16. Quackster

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    I gotta be honest, I'm kind of not happy with this project - I've made a lot of mistakes and requires rewriting major parts of the server. One of the problems is that I don't wait after sending packets which could lead to race conditions happening, and as a consequence I'd need to change large...
  17. Quackster

    Habbo R39 Encryption don't receive session params packet

    Alright, I'm eager to see your progress.
  18. Quackster

    How to properly edit the Habbo Shockwave client files (cst/dir)?

    Just do projectorrays.exe decompile filename.cct/.dcr And ProjectorRays will output a new file with the same name and either .cst/.dir extension that you can open in Directory MX 2004.
  19. Quackster

    Habbo R39 Encryption don't receive session params packet

    Is the packet not padded with random garbage that you need to remove? I'd be double checking your implementation around how the padding is done. For example, instead of 2, 1, 0 mine is 3, 2, 1 because the first byte is always trash. var tByte1 = tHeader[2] & 63...
  20. Quackster

    Old font does not working

    It is definitely to do with Wine and there is nothing that we can do to fix it. It's a Wine problem not a Shockwave problem.