Recent content by Ewout

  1. Ewout

    Can't stop the signal, Mal

  2. Ewout

    Sauna room

    Amazing stuff Alito and Santi13. Any in-game screenshots to share? :)
  3. Ewout

    How to create a projector for launching Habbo Shockwave client via an executable file

    Great to see this tutorial was so popular that even $ulake followed it!
  4. Ewout

    India most based country

  5. Ewout

    [REL] [CRACKED] Alpha Series by Privilege - Visual Basic 6.0 Habbo emulator for 2011

    Great stuff, always wondered about this one. Thanks for taking the time. Remember Privilege bragging about his source code, from a quick glance it seems that's all what it was: a brag. No clean code practices, giant Holograph-esque style message handling (atleast it's not a switch, so some...
  6. Ewout

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    I remember debugging that issue in my uberEmu fork (the one with Wichard) too, the way I think I solved it was not sending a room status update to the user when it was interacting with rollers, instead having the slide object bundle include the user.
  7. Ewout

    Qwek going goblin mode

    And this be me:
  8. Ewout

    Qwek going goblin mode

    Had to disable Firefox tracking protection for this domain, now it works too. 🙏
  9. Ewout

    Qwek going goblin mode

    Thought it'd in-line embed, guess not.
  10. Ewout

    Qwek going goblin mode

  11. Ewout

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    The repo has some code examples. May be of use.
  12. Ewout

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    Ah, oops. Read over the "before it's written and flushed" part. That's a weird issue. Is DotNetty deciding to flush the buffer without an explicit call? The only workaround for that, probably, is to only write fully complete packets to the DotNetty buffer.
  13. Ewout

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    Append the packets to a ConcurrentQueue<T> (y) .. or BlockingCollection<T>, might be more efficient. AFAICT both are FIFO, so no client-side race conditions due to unordered outgoing packets.
  14. Ewout

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    As long as you always append full complete packets to the outgoing TCP buffer at once, this should be fine, right?
  15. Ewout

    Athena | V21 | continuation of Kepler (C version) [C17, SQLite, libuv, NNG]

    Replacing log.c with stumpless for logging. A more robust library that supports various targets.