Recent content by hackademiC

  1. hackademiC

    Habbo Origins Usernames

    Username: hackademic
  2. hackademiC


    Welcome Liam! :)
  3. hackademiC

    Disabling RSA & RC4

    Yep most likely. Haha yep! And there's also the .connect() method for the socket too, nice and easy to find also! :P
  4. hackademiC

    Disabling RSA & RC4

    True, that's a good point, however the function that is called that does the enciphering doesn't return anything, it's a void. I'm assuming the RC4 class replaces the byte array somewhere else in the function call, but I thought instead of trying to change a function further up in another class...
  5. hackademiC

    Disabling RSA & RC4

    Update: Finally figured it out and disabled all encryption/handshaking. My initial thought of removing the InitCrypto function call and replacing it with the SSO function call was correct. Instead of sending InitCrypto, it now sends the SSOTicketMessage instead. Before: private function...
  6. hackademiC

    Disabling RSA & RC4

    Hi all, I've been playing around with RABCDasm for the last week or so and I'm attempting to disable the RSA and RC4 in the Habbo.swf so that I'm able to use it without having to encrypt and decrypt. I know that I can go and get another SWF that is already patched with headers/structures and...
  7. hackademiC

    Hello, I'm Cassander

    Welcome to the forum! :D
  8. hackademiC

    Helios - Experience the 2013 era! [C#, R63, Entity Framework]

    This is awesome. One of my favourites versions are R63 :) Good luck with the development Quack! :)
  9. hackademiC

    Flatty, a Habbo inspired social game

    This looks awesome, love the graphics and the colour in general! How often do you do the playtests? I would love to join on one of them!
  10. hackademiC

    Hi, I'm Anthony!

    Haha yes! Just a single page of all HTML and nothing else 🤣
  11. hackademiC

    Hi, I'm Anthony!

    Oh how I miss those days. I still remember setting up my first retro with Debbo and then Bloodline. What a time! Welcome to the forum! :)
  12. hackademiC

    Hi, Near here.

    Welcome to the forum! How long have you been working on Flatty for? Is it something you would share on the forum in the form of a development thread or is it more closed source? Sounds cool though!
  13. hackademiC

    Athena | V21 | continuation of Kepler (C version) [C17, SQLite, libuv, NNG]

    Good luck with the development, keen to see the progress :)
  14. hackademiC

    Hi, i'm Ewout

    Welcome to the forum mate!