Recent content by Sefhriloff

  1. Sefhriloff


  2. Sefhriloff

    Furni versions

    If I'm not mistaken, v12 implemented dynamic downloader (used to download furnis) so i dont think this furnis has a specific file to each one like the newer ones. In older versions, all furnis are present internally in these files: 'hh_furni_armas.cct', 'hh_furni_drken.cct'...
  3. Sefhriloff

    Shockwave Dev Resources

    Here the Activation Codes: Product Platform Serial Number Captivate 1.0 Win CAD100-56042-68297-35422 Contribute 2.0 Mac CTD200-58042-60375-59091 Contribute 2.0 Win CTD200-58042-60375-59091 Contribute 3.0 Mac CTD300-57733-52324-08489 Contribute...
  4. Sefhriloff

    Old font does not working

    What patch are you using in external_variables?
  5. Sefhriloff

    Old font does not working

    Normally it happens when you open 2 clients and close one
  6. Sefhriloff

    Clothes Editor v20+

    Hello! I have created a custom CCT that enables you to change your clothes in newer client versions that utilize the new figure system. Download: Download Screenshots: