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  1. MetalYoshi94

    Habbo projector x2 zoom fix (v9 and v14) (centered windows)

    I compared some scripts with puomi hotel and with the dcr's of habbo origins and got the results fuse_client: - Core Thread Class Part of the code is found to center the sulake logo - Loading Bar Class Part of the code is found to center the loading bar the rest worked to center the windows...
  2. MetalYoshi94

    Habbo projector x2 zoom fix (v9 and v14) (centered windows)

    Hello, I am making this post to solve the problem that many users have when creating their hotel with zoom x2. some buttons were off screen, the catalog opened at the bottom right, some windows outside the client, there was no access to the turn, move and pick up furni buttons etc... You will...