Hello peeps Gabrielle here


She/Her - Be who you wanna be

I'm Gabrielle, 25 (almost 26, well in a month and a week and a few days but who cares), from The Netherlands. Played Habbo since 2006 since my sister kind of introduced it to me. Obviously like the older days more than the newer (screw Sulake and their "we didn't care about our players and will never do anymore" policy. I discovered the retro scene once I looked up something along the lines of "Habbo Hotel with free credits" or "Free Habbo Hotel" or something stupid. I've been working as webdeveloper for a company for a couple of years.

In my free time I usually find myself playing either Stardew Valley or Minecraft (or something else if I find something else), or programming (but limited due to work). I'm currently working on a v9 modified client and Kepler port to v9. Progress is *very* slow, but oh well.

A few languages that I'm alright in:
- C# (best in this)
- Java
- PHP (and in this)

Still doing some work on learning more languages and getting even better in the ones I already am good in. A few I'm learning are: C/C++ (tell me some useful cool ones and I might get into one of them).

I hope to see you around! In case you wanna talk, you can ping me in the Discord server or DM me (The Palmtop Tiger of Happiness#7229)
Welcome to Oldskooler, I'm extremely happy that you registered. You and I have known each other for well over a decade too!
Welcome to Oldskooler, I'm extremely happy that you registered. You and I have known each other for well over a decade too!
Thanks, happy to be here & yes I know right (damn... a decade? time flies 😓) At least things have changed for the better lol

Yep that sounds about right for me too 😅 - Welcome! :)

I mean, how else was I gonna find out about them xD Thankss