Recent content by Dreamcatcher

  1. Dreamcatcher

    [PROBLEM] Habbo camera stuck "Loading Photo..."

    Its working fine for me locally with Kepler v1.5 I also got the 404 error for the film cct, but it works.
  2. Dreamcatcher

    [PROBLEM] Habbo camera stuck "Loading Photo..."

    Which server and version are you using?
  3. Dreamcatcher

    [PROBLEM] Habbo camera stuck "Loading Photo..."

    your second image is showing that there is something missing on the connection.mus directive. it should be <param name='sw2' value=';'> <param name='sw4' value=';connection.mus.port=12322'> Also you didn't...
  4. Dreamcatcher

    Badges, furni and clothing

    Hey, for which version you want to add them? - badges you normally need just to add the badge image and assign it to a user. - items its depending if the client uses hof_furni or is using the older client files we have a description for havana (v31) how to add custom furniture there on our...
  5. Dreamcatcher

    FookIT V3 - Encryption | VB6 Source

    Hello, I found on my disk the old VB6 source of FookIT V3 and this I wanna share here, because its not in the archive. Can be deleted, found it on the archive:
  6. Dreamcatcher

    Habbo 2003 EN Website

    Hello, last months I was developing on my v7 retro and the development steps coming to an end, I thought it would be useful to archive the habbo website from this era. So I spend my last days with archiving the habbo 2003 website in english to have it saved, for fruther development actions...
  7. Dreamcatcher

    A question about the Shockwave client

    The Discord links are working fine for me, maybe you didn't joined the Oldskooler Discord. I have no other idea what you could do, regarding your problem with the application. All I can say is, that the most people who has it running, are running it in compatibility mode.
  8. Dreamcatcher

    A question about the Shockwave client

    When you still in need of the MultiUsr.x32: If you have the Shockwave Player installed on your PC, you can find the MultiUsr.x32 inside the following directory location: %windir%\SysWOW64\Adobe\Shockwave 12\Xtras Regarding your problem with Macromedia Director MX 2004, you can try to disable...
  9. Dreamcatcher

    Old font does not working

    You could setup your own loader with proper external_variables, if those lines mentioned above are missing in the vars of the retro you're connected to.
  10. Dreamcatcher

    Old font does not working

    Looks for me like a issue with external_variables, look if you have the following lines added: Keep in mind to clear cache, when you have done changes at your external_variables.txt so the changes can take effect. If they are already added and its not helping, we would need to know which...
  11. Dreamcatcher

    Mobiles Disco Pack

    Hello, I was poke around in the "Habbo Archive" and found, inside that archive is a folder called "mobiles" with incomplete client files, I did search up missing files on and had success with completing the mobiles disco...
  12. Dreamcatcher


    Hello, I found on my disks the release8_20051222 files, that I want to share with you. This release is from and includes Swiss external_texts. Downloaded are this files from back in the days, where all files were accessable. This...