Recent content by Pablonski

  1. Pablonski

    Habbo Origins: News/Updates/Info

    I check it out every few weeks for a couple minutes and then log off again. Just doesn't feel right and is pretty bleak. People dump their adult money into rares and build rooms that all kinda look the same
  2. Pablonski

    Badges in kepler v14 , please urgent help!???

    It's difficult to help you if you don't give any information about what you did and you don't answer my questions. I can only guess what the problem is when you say "it doesn't load". Go to /v14/external_vars.txt, search for image.library.url=, copy the line and post it here. Again: Do you get...
  3. Pablonski

    Badges in kepler v14 , please urgent help!???

    That can mean anything. Say what you're doing. Do you get a whisper message confirming that the badge was added? What file format do the badges have? GIF? I'm not even sure if other formats are recognized because all of my badges are in GIF format. Make sure the file names of the badges have...
  4. Pablonski

    Badges in kepler v14 , please urgent help!???

    Make sure your account is admin (go to the users database and check that your account is rank 7) and simply write in the chat :givebadge YourName BadgeName
  5. Pablonski

    How do you add furniture to Kepler?

    Since someone also asked me via PM, I made a rough summary. Most of it is self-explanatory anyway Step 1 Your sprites. Put them in /v14/hof_furni Step 2 Open the database with a program of your choice and go to item_definitions ID = Enter the next highest ID that is free Sprite = Enter the...
  6. Pablonski

    v14+ room furniture limit

    Ah shit, I kind of had a suspicion that it was something like that. Thanks
  7. Pablonski


    Hello everyone. I came back to Habbo mainly because of Quackster's Kepler emulator. Since then it has become a small hobby to work on my private retro from time to time and adapt it the way I like it best. Over time I have added a lot of furniture, windows and landscapes, mood lights, catalog...
  8. Pablonski

    v14+ room furniture limit

    Hello. I've been working privately for a while now on a retro hotel that is based on Kepler v14. I've made some changes to suit my needs and am currently trying to increase the room furniture limit. I believe that this is client side and I searched through the files but couldn't find anything...