Badges in kepler v14 , please urgent help!???

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New member
Sorry, one last problem about loading badges, how do I make Kepler load badges installed in c_images/badges?
Problem solved, the emulator was missing open ports, they helped me on the forum discord! @Pablonski Thanks you help!
Make sure your account is admin (go to the users database and check that your account is rank 7) and simply write in the chat :givebadge YourName BadgeName
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That can mean anything. Say what you're doing. Do you get a whisper message confirming that the badge was added? What file format do the badges have? GIF? I'm not even sure if other formats are recognized because all of my badges are in GIF format. Make sure the file names of the badges have three characters. Anything above that doesn't work
That can mean anything. Say what you're doing. Do you get a whisper message confirming that the badge was added? What file format do the badges have? GIF? I'm not even sure if other formats are recognized because all of my badges are in GIF format. Make sure the file names of the badges have three characters. Anything above that doesn't work
The emblems are in gifs but the emulator doesn't load, could it be a lack of configuration?
That can mean anything. Say what you're doing. Do you get a whisper message confirming that the badge was added? What file format do the badges have? GIF? I'm not even sure if other formats are recognized because all of my badges are in GIF format. Make sure the file names of the badges have three characters. Anything above that doesn't work
Please my help #edit1
It's difficult to help you if you don't give any information about what you did and you don't answer my questions. I can only guess what the problem is when you say "it doesn't load". Go to /v14/external_vars.txt, search for image.library.url=, copy the line and post it here. Again: Do you get any message when you use the :givebadge command or does nothing happen?
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