Battleball Trophy

Habbo recently included the following trophy in their hh_furni_armas.cct file and I thought it looked kinda cool.
I made the standalone file for anyone that may want to add it to their hotel.



NB: If you press the link the and you notice nothing happens, you may have to copy the link - open a new tab and paste the link, that should prompt Chrome to download it. It will show up as the image below - Choose "Keep".
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That's an old Battle Banzai trophy from years ago. There's a Freeze variant as well.

Super cool! I didn't know it was a re-release. The "Freeze" trophy is not available in the cast file. I'll keep an eye on new items appearing in the Origins version of Habbo only.
Super cool! I didn't know it was a re-release. The "Freeze" trophy is not available in the cast file. I'll keep an eye on new items appearing in the Origins version of Habbo only.

Sorry, what I meant to say was that it was part of a trophy set for the new games that came out in 2010 (Freeze, Battle Banzai, soccer, etc)

Anyway, I'd rather hope that it's some sort of placeholder, and that they'll make an actual Battle Ball trophy eventually