

C, C++, C#, Rust, Go, Zig, Java, JavaScript, PHP
Hi :)

My name is Nick, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Germany!

I started with Retros around 2020 when I met Hazed (from Habbo.st) and worked for him as a programmer. At some point I opened my own hotel and at the same time helped AtomCMS, wrote some Arcturus Morningstar plugins like a better camera and more. Now I'm here and hope to meet new people who are interested in Habbo and programming :)

Programming is my hobby and I really enjoy it! I hope I can somehow help the community with new projects :)
My daily programming languages are: C, C++, C#, Rust, Go, Zig, Java, JavaScript and PHP (Many projects :D)
welcome! happy you found the community here, this is probably the best group of people sill doing cool and innovative things with Shockwave era Habbo.