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This is a client fix I built for HabboLegacy that removes the annoying limitation of not being able to set items to be priced as pixels + coins in the default_3x3 catalogue page. As you may or may not know, you need to define the page as "cars" in order for this to work in shockwave, however this limitation is not part of flash creating inconsistency
When you try and set a cata item to be priced as pixels + coins in a default_3x3 page:
After fix:
And you may now say "but Jeppe, why don't you just make the page into 'cars'. It's the same thing as default_3x3?" but no.
Evilish enough, there is a difference where the "cars" page doesn't support splash texts over the images like you can see here:
With this fix, you can make nicer looking RARE pages such as the one on HL:
Originally, this would only work in the flash client, but now works in both
EDIT: This also has the fix of allowing items to have multiple definitions. In shockwave you're forced to make a page either credits, pixels or credits+pixels on every item. But with this fix you'll be able to set any pricing definition on any item on any page
EDIT: I should also give credits to @Parsnip as he taught me how to decompile and recompile the shockwave client and were also involved in brainstorming for potential solutions
When you try and set a cata item to be priced as pixels + coins in a default_3x3 page:

After fix:

And you may now say "but Jeppe, why don't you just make the page into 'cars'. It's the same thing as default_3x3?" but no.
Evilish enough, there is a difference where the "cars" page doesn't support splash texts over the images like you can see here:

With this fix, you can make nicer looking RARE pages such as the one on HL:

Originally, this would only work in the flash client, but now works in both
EDIT: This also has the fix of allowing items to have multiple definitions. In shockwave you're forced to make a page either credits, pixels or credits+pixels on every item. But with this fix you'll be able to set any pricing definition on any item on any page
EDIT: I should also give credits to @Parsnip as he taught me how to decompile and recompile the shockwave client and were also involved in brainstorming for potential solutions

default_3x3 PATCH
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