Shockwave Dev Resources

Habbo Hotel Shockwave Development Resources

I realized this hasn't been posted here and some of these resource links are pretty important for Shockwave development and further pushing support for older versions of Habbo. These links are directly off the Oldskooler Discord server and will be updated accordingly. If you have any questions use the correct section. This is not a support thread...

Adobe Director MX 2004 - Download Internet Archive
Adobe Director 11.5 - Download Internet Archive
Various Adobe Shockwave Installers - Download Internet Archive
Recover CCT - Download Internet Archive
(Allows Adobe Director files to be unprotected.)​
Shockwave Decompiler - ProjectorRays
[v5-v39] Decompiled Lingo from Habbo Shockwave - Old Forum Post
Scripting Dictionary Director MX 2004 - Download/View Internet Archive
Scripting Dictionary Director 11.5 - Download/View Internet Archive
These are just the basics. You can find a bigger 'Habbo Hotel Shockwave Archive' directly from Quacksters Extensive Archive.​
Last edited by a moderator:
Thank you very much! I've stickied it.

Though I hope you don't mind I've edited your post and added ProjectorRays as it's one of the most biggest leaps in recent history in regards to Shockwave decompilation.
Habbo Hotel Shockwave Development Resources

I realized this hasn't been posted here and some of these resource links are pretty important for Shockwave development and further pushing support for older versions of Habbo. These links are directly off the Oldskooler Discord server and will be updated accordingly. If you have any questions use the correct section. This is not a support thread...

Adobe Director MX 2004 - Download Internet Archive
Adobe Director 11.5 - Download Internet Archive
Various Adobe Shockwave Installers - Download Internet Archive
Recover CCT - Download Internet Archive
(Allows Adobe Director files to be unprotected.)​
Shockwave Decompiler - ProjectorRays
[v5-v39] Decompiled Lingo from Habbo Shockwave - Old Forum Post
Scripting Dictionary Director MX 2004 - Download/View Internet Archive
Scripting Dictionary Director 11.5 - Download/View Internet Archive
These are just the basics. You can find a bigger 'Habbo Hotel Shockwave Archive' directly from Quacksters Extensive Archive.​
Bit of a fun fact, I compiled all those Shockwave installers and uploaded to the Internet Archive and Adobe reported me and had my account terminated and had them replaced as the author LMFAO

Lost all my other uploads from that account in the process and I was pretty pissed for awhile.
Here the Activation Codes:
ProductPlatform Serial Number
Captivate 1.0 WinCAD100-56042-68297-35422
Contribute 2.0 MacCTD200-58042-60375-59091
Contribute 2.0 WinCTD200-58042-60375-59091
Contribute 3.0 MacCTD300-57733-52324-08489
Contribute 3.0WinCTD300-57733-52324-08489
FlashPaper 2.0WinFPD200-52016-69247-71242
Director MX 2004WinDRD100-50836-87264-59396
Director MX 2004MacDRD100-50836-87264-59396
Dreamweaver MX 2004 MacDWD700-56626-60325-58074
Dreamweaver MX 2004WinDWD700-56626-60325-58074
Fireworks MX 2004MacFWD700-59515-38218-96725
Fireworks MX 2004WinFWD700-59515-38218-96725
Flash MX 2004MacFLD700-59705-99286-82099
Flash MX 2004WinFLD700-59705-99286-82099
Freehand MXMacFHD110-58402-67227-68568
Freehand MXWinFHD110-58402-67227-68568
Macromedia Studio MX 2004WinWSD700-53923-79263-98262
Macromedia Studio MX 2004MacWSD700-53923-79263-98262